Tuesday, May 5, 2015

New Experiment

I've decided to join in with many of the blogs I enjoy, and keep a running tally to see just how much my family of five spends on food.  The crazy thing is that I just started looking at the receipts from the last couple of weeks and I found that I was overcharged by nearly $20 a couple of weeks ago!  It's to late to do anything now, but I've learned my lesson!  Watch closer when they ring up produce, the cashier put in my sweet potatoes, which are priced by the pound, and charged me six times, since I bought six sweet potatoes!  I am usually better about being on top of these things, but that day I was distracted.

Anyway, on to the groceries...

On May 2 I bought:

A package of sandwich buns          2.00
10 lbs sugar                                     5.48
Ground beef (on sale)                     9.62

I bought a few other things at ALDI that day, but the receipt is missing.

On May 4, I had to go back to the store to get OJ for J, he was making Margarita Mocktails for his Spanish class for Cinco de Mayo:

1 gallon Orange Juice                   3.97
Butter                                            3.48

I'll admit that I also bought two 84 cent 2-liter bottles of soda, because I was having a weak moment of craving.

For a total this week of:  24.55 on groceries this week.  Next week will be more accurate as long as I don't lose another receipt.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Spring Dresses

It's been a busy couple of days here.  I've been working nearly around the clock trying to get some cute spring things done for the store that sells some of our handmade things.  Take a look at these little dresses!

These just need their snaps put on the shoulders and they are ready to made some tiny girls extra adorable for Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, and Easter.

A little more glammed up version, but it needs the snaps added, too.  I wish this photo didn't make it look so yellow...

Sweet little peasant dresses.

I see summer picnics in the future of these sun dresses.
Enough playing around, back to work.  These things aren't going to sew themselves.